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Our History

Acacia Avenue Preschool is located at 35 -37 Acacia Avenue Mentone. It has been operating for over 50 years, however our premises were recently upgraded to a brand new 2 room facility. This $2 million project was jointly funded by our local community and the Victorian State Government. We run two 4 year old preschool groups, Red and Blue Group, and one 3 year old activity group, Green Group.

Acacia Avenue Preschool is run by a Committee of Management,  a group of volunteer parents who are elected at a Annual General Meeting held at the preschool each year in November.  Photos of the current committee are displayed in the foyer at the beginning of each year.

The Committee of Management hold a lease agreement with the City of Kingston Council. The City of Kingston provide maintenance support for the building and outdoor spaces.

The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development is our funding (4 year old program only) and supervisory body.

At Acacia we provide a nurturing and caring environment for your child to start their journey into formal education. As a team our staff have many years of experience and strong ties to the local community and this ensures a smooth running of the preschool program. We welcome and encourage parent/family involvement in a variety of ways through Committee involvement and participating in preschool sessions doing duty.

The children who attend Acacia Avenue Preschool are provided with many learning opportunities and the Educators ensure that their time at the preschool is a positive experience.

For more information about Acacia please refer to our Information Booklet 2019.