Acacia Avenue Preschool has opted into the Victorian Government’s free kindergarten scheme. This means both 3-year-old and 4-year-old group programs will be provided to all families without any out-of-pocket expenses.
Your child can only be funded for a kindergarten place at one service at any one time. Each child is eligible for one year in a Three-Year-Old Kindergarten program and one year in a Four-Year-Old Kindergarten program. A second year of Four-Year-Old funding is only available in limited circumstances where your child has a genuine learning or developmental delay identified by an educator and which is supported by a formal diagnosis from a medical professional.
If your child will be attending another service that offers a funded kindergarten program (i.e. at long day care) and you intend to utilise the funding for the Three or Four-Year-Old program offered by the other service you cannot accept a position at our preschool. We are a not for profit sessional preschool and we cannot offer unfunded positions. Therefore you will need to notify the other service provider that you are receiving a funded kindergarten place at our Preschool and would like to apply your funding towards our funded program. As our program is free for next year, we will only be receiving funding from the government to cover the costs of running our Preschool. If you opt in to receiving your funding at another service you will be unable to keep your position at Acacia Avenue Preschool. We can only accept children who are eligible for funding here.
Please refer to our Free Kindergarten Fees policy for more information.
Enrolment Deposit
A (refundable) deposit is required in order to secure your child’s enrolment in a program at Acacia Avenue Preschool. Information about this deposit will be sent directly to families who receive an enrolment offer.
The details for payment of the deposit are as follows:
Bank Transfer
BSB: 633-000 (Bendigo Bank)
Account No.: 125133629
Account Name: Acacia Avenue Pre-school
Reference: [Group] / [Surname] / Deposit (For example: Red / Smith / Deposit)
If you are currently experiencing financial difficulty and have concerns about paying the enrolment deposit, please contact the preschool on 9583 8133 to discuss your situation.
3 Year Old Program
3 Year Old Program enrolments please contact City of Kingston. Enrolments open on May 1st.
4 Year Old Program
For 4 year old enrolments please contact City of Kingston as all enrolments are processed through the Central Enrolment Scheme.
Both three and four year old enrolments are now done through Kingston’s central registration scheme. Click here for details.
Immunisations: No Jab, No Play
No Jab, No Play legislation requires parents/carers to provide evidence that their child has received all necessary vaccines prior to enrolment in an early childhood service. Details related to immunisation and enrolment requirements can be found in the Acacia Avenue Preschool Enrolment and Orientation Policy. The policy is available on this website, or as a hard copy in the Policy folder in the kindergarten foyer. Further information about the No Jab, No Play legislation can be found on the following websites: